This morning we will review about Hotel Schildhorn. Hotel Schildhorn which located in Germany provide best facilities with reasonable price. When you visit Germany we recommend you to stay in Hotel Schildhorn
Hotel Schildhorn Free public transport within Berlin and Brandenburg and free use of the sauna are offered by this riverside hotel. Quietly located in the Grunewald district, it is an 8-minute drive from the Olympic Stadium.Decorated in neutral colours, the bright rooms at Hotel Schildhorn feature rich carpets and contemporary furniture. Comforts include a private balcony or terrace and 1 complimentary bottle of mineral water.A full buffet breakfast is provided and can even be enjoyed on the garden terrace during warm weather. Guests can sample German specialities and international cuisine from the evening buffet menu.Bicycles and boats are available to rent for those wishing to explore the River Havel and Grunewald Forest. After a long day, you can relax in Schildhorn’s billiards room or sauna.The International Congress Centre (ICC), Berlin Central Train Station and Alexanderplatz Square are all easily accessed from Pichelsberg S-Bahn Train Station (3.5 km).
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Facilities in Tung Trang Hotel
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Hotel Schildhorn
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